LibraStar's Journal: Vintage Finds
It was one crazy cold winter day when I decided that it might be a good exercise to go to the chelsea flea market to snick and pick thru junk/treasures. Well, I got there and I thought I must be out of my mind to have thought of this activity (felt awfully sorry for my sweet bf).
It wasn't alot of people around, but I was still surprised that there were some seller with truck full of old stuff scattered all over big tables or on the floor. My fingers were numb by the metals of the jeweleries as I scrutinize them carefully, then for $3 a piece I quickly picked out 2 colorful gold metal necklaces, and one multi-color jewel brooches. The seller then gave me a $1 discount...awesome.After about 20 mins at the flea market we decided to find a place indoor to save our life. We then went to the vintage market place just opposite of the flea market, which is a 3 stories vintage markets full of vintage jewelery/accessories shops, funiture shops, and some clothings. It was definitely alot of fun but at the same time these places are more organized, they usually have a carefully curated collections and prices are much much higher (I fell in love with a set of "hugh red gem" collection- ear rings, bracelet, necklace and a brooch at $800+). I am currently into big gem stones accessories which was very much inspired by Marni and Marc Jacobs accessory collection. Then I found this really great yellow belt with big clear gem in the front for $25, it
was probably one of the cheaper thing in the store which I could afford, this nice old lady who owns the store was probably a socialite or debutante. She has such a great collection of accessories, some of them are custom made for her (such as the belt that I have purchased), and alot of them from European designers which are all very daring and unique. As she was packing up the yellow belt for me using this darling
turquoise box with a bow she whispers, "you know, I see this as art." I immediately gained great respect for this old lady and my little cute belt because she put such care and passion into every single of the items she owns.
Despite the dreadful weather, this was all in all a great lesson for me, because this time I found new level of vintage shopping experience. I am definitely going to explore more next time around the area. stay tuned! :)
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